Server: mysql wampserver
Your preferences will be saved for current session only. Storing them permanently requires phpMyAdmin configuration storage.


Set some commonly used options

Documentation Enables check for latest version on main phpMyAdmin page
Documentation Use natural order for sorting table and database names
Documentation Define how long (in seconds) a login cookie is valid
Documentation You can use MySQL wildcard characters (% and _), escape them if you want to use their literal instances, i.e. use 'my\_db' and not 'my_db'.
Documentation Hide databases matching regular expression (PCRE)
Documentation Mark used tables and make it possible to show databases with locked tables
Documentation Disable the table maintenance mass operations, like optimizing or repairing the selected tables of a database.
Documentation Maximum number of databases displayed in database listi
Documentation Maximum number of tables displayed in table listi
Documentation Maximum number of recently used tables; set 0 to disable
Documentation Whether to show hint or not
Documentation Choose the default action when sending error reports
Text fields

Customize text input fields

Documentation Defines which type of editing controls should be used for CHAR and VARCHAR columns; input - allows limiting of input length, textarea - allows newlines in columns
Documentation Defines the minimum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns
Documentation Defines the maximum size for input fields generated for CHAR and VARCHAR columns
Documentation Number of columns for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas
Documentation Number of rows for CHAR/VARCHAR textareas
Documentation Textarea size (columns) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2) and for query window (*1.25)
Documentation Textarea size (rows) in edit mode, this value will be emphasized for SQL query textareas (*2) and for query window (*1.25)
Documentation Double size of textarea for LONGTEXT columns
Page titles

Specify browser's title bar text. Refer to documentation for magic strings that can be used to get special values.

Documentation Title of browser window when nothing is selected
Documentation Title of browser window when a table is selected
Documentation Title of browser window when a database is selected
Documentation Title of browser window when a server is selected

Disable some of the warnings shown by phpMyAdmin

Documentation Disable the default warning that is displayed if a difference between the MySQL library and server is detected
Documentation Disable the default warning that is displayed on the database details Structure page if any of the required tables for the phpMyAdmin configuration storage could not be found
Documentation A warning is displayed on the main page if Suhosin is detected
Documentation Disable the default warning that is displayed if mcrypt is missing for cookie authentication
Documentation Disable the default warning that is displayed on the Structure page if column names in a table are reserved MySQL words