Server: mysql wampserver »Database: mysql »Table: ndb_binlog_index
ColumnType Function NullValue
Positionbigint(20) unsigned
epochbigint(20) unsigned
insertsint(10) unsigned
updatesint(10) unsigned
deletesint(10) unsigned
schemaopsint(10) unsigned
orig_server_idint(10) unsigned
orig_epochbigint(20) unsigned
gciint(10) unsigned

ColumnType Function NullValue
Positionbigint(20) unsigned
epochbigint(20) unsigned
insertsint(10) unsigned
updatesint(10) unsigned
deletesint(10) unsigned
schemaopsint(10) unsigned
orig_server_idint(10) unsigned
orig_epochbigint(20) unsigned
gciint(10) unsigned

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