
Table comments: Master Information

ColumnTypeNullDefault Comments
Number_of_lines int(10)No   Number of lines in the file. 
Master_log_name textNo   The name of the master binary log currently being read from the master. 
Master_log_pos bigint(20)No   The master log position of the last read event. 
Host char(64)No   The host name of the master. 
User_name textYes NULL  The user name used to connect to the master. 
User_password textYes NULL  The password used to connect to the master. 
Port int(10)No   The network port used to connect to the master. 
Connect_retry int(10)No   The period (in seconds) that the slave will wait before trying to reconnect to the master. 
Enabled_ssl tinyint(1)No   Indicates whether the server supports SSL connections. 
Ssl_ca textYes NULL  The file used for the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate. 
Ssl_capath textYes NULL  The path to the Certificate Authority (CA) certificates. 
Ssl_cert textYes NULL  The name of the SSL certificate file. 
Ssl_cipher textYes NULL  The name of the cipher in use for the SSL connection. 
Ssl_key textYes NULL  The name of the SSL key file. 
Ssl_verify_server_cert tinyint(1)No   Whether to verify the server certificate. 
Heartbeat floatNo    
Bind textYes NULL  Displays which interface is employed when connecting to the MySQL server 
Ignored_server_ids textYes NULL  The number of server IDs to be ignored, followed by the actual server IDs 
Uuid textYes NULL  The master server uuid. 
Retry_count bigint(20)No   Number of reconnect attempts, to the master, before giving up. 
Ssl_crl textYes NULL  The file used for the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) 
Ssl_crlpath textYes NULL  The path used for Certificate Revocation List (CRL) files 
Enabled_auto_position tinyint(1)No   Indicates whether GTIDs will be used to retrieve events from the master. 


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